FYI: New user name

That is all.

got_boost_S13 > Cal

Appropriate, I think, since I haven’t had the 240 for over a year now.

that is soooo coincidental…

because you REAL NAME is Cal… whoa.

Ahhhhh…not everyone is perfect.

K, wtf? I’ve been demanding a new username for awhile now, how come you get one and I don’t?

You need to taste G’s penis.

GROSSSSS… it tastes like week old curry

hi cal,

it’s ed (go figure)

Cal sounds gay.

soul cal-iber
good name. lots of add ons.
truthfully konvokiller isnt a name i wish i had if i decided on stayin on this site. but meh. id be more down now with flatsil40 to tell you the truth.COUGH

Wish i could change mine to Jesse , but it happens to be in use…


your all fags.
