Reason behind your username? v.NeverDoneThisBefore

Before I start, people with the following words in their username need
not apply: 240sx, JDM, Drifting, SR20___, KA24___, Silvia, RPS, Dorifuto…well you get the idea… :hahano:

Me, well I picked this alias back almost a decade ago when I thought it
sounded cool. Little did I know what it really meant. :noes:

Now, people that can’t pronounce my real name (Gautam) refer to me as
Gonad, which hurts ,but I suck it up and move on. :frowning:

Oh and I use this alias on every forum and wherever my alias is
required. I use Gonrad as an alternative. :hsugh:

I dont kno wwhere GT came from.

i just inserted it there one day…

and thats the end of that


Lucky was a play on how shitty luck i was having, got rear ended, civic blew up, hood flew up in the jeep, 3 rads, etc etc…turned around since.

My name and ness

-ness -ness\ [AS. -ness, -nyss, -nys; akin to OS. -nissi, nussi, D. -nis, OHG. -nissa, -nass[=i], -nuss[=i], G. -nis, -niss, Goth. -inasus.]
A suffix used to form abstract nouns expressive of quality or state; as, goodness, greatness.

Ness (Japanese: ネス) the teenage hero of EarthBound. He is an unassuming young boy, gifted with special powers. He comes from Onett, in Eagleland, and lives next to an annoying, fat boy named Pokey. Ness is chosen by an alien named Buzz Buzz to save the world from Giygas, a malevolent entity which is causing the citizens and animals of Eagleland to become hostile. …

loch ness?

Although mine has 240sx in the name…I’ll still tell mine.

Back when I first started modding cars…I drove civics. I drove a 95 cx hatch. I put of 350k’s on it an it was hurting. I swapped in a ZC motor and the car felt much more peppy. Therefore it was happy as a result of the ZC swap.

From that point I was HappyZC

I then swapped in a 2nd gen B16 into that car and was HappyB16

I sold that car and then drove another 5 gen that was a turbo d-series and then I was just HAPPY.

Now I am Happy240sx.

I suppose I have always branded my cars Happy…cause if they are sad I invest retarded amounts of cash in order to make them “Happy”

Mine are from my Supra loving days ( still love Supras, but too $$ for me )… Blitz as in the company that makes parts, also means lightning, thus implying speed, and Six = 6 speed, as in the getrag 6 that supras came with (as opposed to the auto)…saying 6 speed is also cool as all the nice cars come with them :slight_smile:

Contrary to popular belief it has nothing to do with getting high, in fact I don’t smoke weed at all.

i have had terrible_1 ever since i used to ride street BMX its my frame i still ride on today liftime warrenty and solid

I used to be in and and since they are both US based forums and back in the day when I had joined I was like the only guy from Toronto and in I was the only guy from Canada!..Yes that’s how long ago it was, I wasn’t one of those people who jumped on the 240sx ban wagon I owned my 240sx since 2000 ! Im no longer a member at those forums but I do keep an eye on them here and there once in a while.

So I thought I would name my self Toronto240sx so it represents where I am and what I drive.

…the funny thing is I spend more time driving my 240sx outside of Toronto then anything :lol: .

my name is brock. been called brocoli since kindergarten. just stuck i guess

I used to use Solaris5 and then I started using Solarian. I’d say it’s one of the very few names that doesn’t actually mean anything… I just thought it sounded cool. I’m a name ricer.

NeveR is my graffiti aka/alias/moniker/etc.

I swear we’ve done this thread before.

yes but what is the -meaning- behind the name?

I’m a very accomplished artist. I scribble things on napkins and business cards.

Got it in high school as I had a big sketch book I always scribbled in.

alternat names given to me, are: Scribbledy-dibbles (by Dan) The great Scribbs, (by Paul), The Jams (by my G/f) Scribble sniffles (By Dan when I had a cold) Scrobble snacks (by Dan, for whenever I’m eating) Giggle Scribbles (by Dan, for whenever I get tickled)

so :stuck_out_tongue: thats it…

Dan has more names for you than your girlfriend?

Aahahaha… OWNED :lol:

syd_mysta my last name is Sydiaha so my grade 9 gym coach would call me El Syd, Syd Viscious, Psycho Syd. Pretty much any combination of Syd. Friends just started calling me Syd. Teachers would call me Syd. People would introduce me as Syd. Some people would ask me why somebody called me Tyler. Not knowing it was my real name.

Then slowly people gave syd a last name as I like to call it. Thats where Mysta comes from. I would get called Syd Mysta at random times. Or when I did something cool or funny.

The underscore in my name came from the first time I tried to put my name as a user name. I couldn’t use spaces so I had to underscore it. Ever since then I have been syd_mysta or where underscores aren’t available sydmysta. If you see that somewhere it is most likly me.

means demon camber
old school drifting with crazy camber
anyone who has seen my last few rides would understand lol

dvstr or devestator, used it when i was playing competitive counter-strike, now im a washed up nothing, thats why im on son now :hsugh:


streetracing, setting shit up, picking the spot, holding the money, and well, i drove a stock engine 240sx at the time so i was too slow to get away with the money, and i guess i looked like hector from f&f, so i used that nickname i was given street racing on the boards, and it just stuck