Onward and upward

Yet another person from the “other” board. I think I’ll wait and see if anyone can figure out who this is…

HAHAH…damnit…why couldn’t everybody just use their same damn names from before…this is getting too confusing…:rofl:

get over it :slight_smile:



oh BTW…what’s up and welcome…:headbang:

guessing sean

but hellooooooo

Wrong guess, sorry Jon.

And Skunk, the reason that I didn’t use the same name is because it refers to a car that I haven’t had in a long time.
(That should be more than enough of a hint for some of you)

hello “mystery” user haha

Shhhhhh… its a secret :wink:

btw, u need to get another one of those cars! :stuck_out_tongue:

hmmmm…now you got me thinking… :banghead:

must be andy then :slight_smile:

Good guess… and you win…

A Cookie. I’ll get you one next time I see you.

SAMSONITE…i was wayyy off!!!

OOOOOOOOOOO andy…you sexy bitch…

don’t trick me like that… :rofl:

sup y0

I knew it before I found this thread…way to go Tsunami…GAWD…dont you know the obsession with Dr. Pepper??? Take a lesson in people skills!

i know who it is… why dont you play halo anymore :frowning:

Welcome Andy…as soon as i saw the user name i knew…but good try at being snky snky :wink: