
Playing within your means is the keyword here.

When I was out in Vegas I played about 4 hours each day for two days on the Roulette wheel off of $100. Ended up coming home with $40 extra… Excalibur $5 table is where it’s at.

Haha … I LOVE the wheel of fortune slots. Spinning that wheel FTW!!

And I agree with craps … its an awesome game once you understand it, but you can win/loose money FAST.

Wheeling is the saddest place I have ever seen. Just a bunch of retirees that are chainsmoking and spending their pensions. They are probably the same people pissing and moaning about how they don’t have enough in their retirement accounts. I have never seen so many wheelchairs in one place.

Welcome to casinos …

Unless you hit Vegas, there all pretty much the same. AC is better than wheeling, because of the bigger scale, but still the same sense in a way.

Vegas & Aruba > *

I was drinking and walked by the 3 cent slots where this middle-aged black lady won. In a retard tone I muttered “yaaay I won 3000 pennies.” She didn’t find it as funny as I did. I just think a 3 cent slot machine is a dumb concept.

I’ll play 5cent slots. 25cent, and 50cent, sometimes $1. some of the 5cent ones you can win pretty good, my girlfriend put $5 in a “super cherry” and won $200

Sorry about your luck… Roulette is the worst game you can play in a casino, literally.

Slots are garbage… yes they pay out nice… WHEN/IF you hit it… Blackjack is ok… but still not my game of choice. If your going to play… play poker. When I go to Wheeling, I am a big fan of the $2/$5 NL… if you play $1/$2 you are dealing with a lot of idiots. When you have a lot of money on you to blow, my game of choice has to be craps. One day I busted out of poker, only had $32 left in my pocket, went up there, 15 min, I had $360 in front of me… and my neighbor bought in for $200 and cashed out with $2200.

Havent been to Wheeling in a long time now… hmm… got today off… :mullet:

poker and blackjack are alright but are games played against other players… play cards against the house…

i’ll be in vegas early december. :slight_smile:

money wheel is the worst odds… craps is the best poison out there!

Oh yeah, you can def. lose big on the roulette wheel. I find it to be the most fun and I’m not out with a huge stack trying to bet the farm, so if I lose $100, then I lose $100.

I still need to learn to play craps. It looks so fun but all that shit just confuses me.

You’ll pick up pretty quick at craps as long as you go with someone who knows what they are doing. You will pick up the basics after watching a while (at least learn enough to play)

gambling is fucking dumb.

Your gayer than a gloryhole in a mens restroom … So what the fuck is your point?

try harder.

try reading; my point is pretty clear.


now that you’re sleeping, i’m going to come over and rape you with my ultimate gayness.


:gaysex: :love:

I just read this …
I now know how to fully defend myself against guys like you