I say this everytime.

Lost $1400 playing roullette at the American casino last night. I’m sick of this. I’m never going back again.

Post up your losses so I feel better about myself.

LOL @ ROULETTE. You deserve to lose your money.

thats a whole bunch of scrap.

I’m up $30k for the year. Does that cheer you up?

First and only time at the casino (canadian side, american wasnt up yet)my night ended up costing me 50 bucks. That included drinks lol. BUT. I was up to like 1k at the roulette table. A bunch of cowboys were there too. i figured id bet on black and double my funds. every spot was covered, literally. Except for one red one(cant remember the number) Guess where the ball landed;). so next time someone tells you that the roulette table is not fixed, call them a liar lol.

Won $1700 on a $2 scratch off in April.:tup:

I’ve lost a $100 a couple of times playing the slots,not gonna lie.If I ever go back to the casino it will be to play blackjack/poker.

wow you’re an idiot…


so avoid playing the house at all costs…play other people (ie, in the poker room) where the odds are the same for everybody, and on a regular basis you can even win when you’re not even holding the best cards out there!

i’m up a lot overall…i never really kept a record, but for every 10 winning night i might have 1 bad night…but i know when to leave so i never lose much.

i go out 3 or 4 nights a week, and have thousands of dollars into the Z…none of which is financed by my real job…my real job just pays the bills.

While I was on vacation I went twice and played Black Jack. First time I won $155 second time I lost $300. I was satisfied with the experience.

Money doesnt move fast enough in poker. Also the house is guranteed to rake your money in poker.

Paying taxes on that?


you’re right…at roulette you can lose your money really fast…or in poker you can make a few hundo playing just the minimum stakes table in a couple hours…

i’m content making my $100/hour or so when i go…knowing that i can average that with minimal losing nights.

but go ahead and play roulette where every now and then you can win a lot fast…and most of the time you lose a lot fast.

and the rake in poker is shit compared to what you can win out of the hand.

i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again…worst n00b of the year.

Wow your a faggot and I doubt you win loot at all. And I spent my first post ever PWNING your faggot ass.

lol you’re right…i forgot you’re my accountant and know all my finances.

ask anybody that knows me off the board, or any of my friends that i’ve played poker with…i’ll bring in more in one sitting at a low stakes table than you’ll make in a month at whatever shitty poor person job you have.

and it’s funny how you think you pwned me…because at a bar last night the discussion of worst n00b of the year came up, and i’m clearly not alone in thinking you take the cake there kiddo.

Your friends discuss nyspeed while drinking at a bar? You need pussy.

EDIT: or dick

HAHAHA I love PureXTC even though he called me some name I have never heard of before. What was it again?

Refresh my memory?

AHAHAHa your a debt collector. You have a worst of all ethnicities in the cubicles adjacent to you. YOUR POOR!

considering it was an NYSpeed event/meet, it was appropriate.

PM me next time you wanna go to the casino and you can spend time on the floor and i’ll spend the exact same amount of time in the poker room…and we’ll see who comes out on top.

then we can hit up the bars and see who gets pussy :slight_smile:


lol do your homework a bit better there noob…i quit that place 2 years ago…and there were people making more money in that industry than you’ll ever see.

It was not a squid whatever the car version was or something. I just remember not having a clue if you were insulting me or not.

Oh yeah. Cager. Then I explained thats it’s not really an insult.