Gamers get compensation for hot coffee mod

If you bought GTA San Andreas:

too bad no one ever keeps their receipts for video games

what is the hot coffee mod

I can get a copy through my CC company, but no real point IMO. I just hope 4 makes it to the PC

the devs originally had an idea to add sex into GTA:SA, but scrapped the idea. Instead of totally cutting it out of the game though, they left most of the content still in… just disabled it essentially.

Well, some crafty modder found it and re-enabled it via a mod which landed rockstar in a lot of hot water.

more bullshit of people who have nothing better to do, im anguished waaa waaa now gimmie money.

its the american way…sadly

no shit… it was rated M. People need to get a life.

You can get a prostitute, pay her then kill her and take the $$$ back… but a sex mini game that was cut from the game (that ISN’T graphic in the least bit), and added in by some dude through a hack is totally crossing the line


edit: the more I think about this, the more pissed I get. Being offended doesn’t give the the right to sue somebody. Fucking piece of shit lawyers

Oh for fucks sake.


Can’t read the article at work but is Jack Thompson’s name attached to this in any way?

not sure… I don’ think he’s allowed to anymore but I’m sure he had his hand in it to some extent.

Americans who found the hot coffee mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas “offensive and upset” can claim up to $35 in compensation from Rockstar, People Magazine reports.

The exact amount you can claim depends upon how much documentation you have to prove your outrage.

Rockstar is referring to receipts or proof of purchase by the way, so you can throw away all those psychiatrist’s reports linking your mentally deranged mind to seeing the simulated sex mod.

For our American readers and/or the intrigued:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas First Edition Disc: Replacement Disc
Detailed Store Receipt: Cash payment up to $35.00
General Credit Card Statement or Check: Cash payment up to $17.50
Disc/Purchase Details: Cash payment up to $10.00
No Disc/Purchase Details: Cash payment up to $5.00

Further details can be found at if you feel you were traumatised by the ordeal.

As a nice epilogue, the lawyers involved have received one million dollars for defending American citizens from the tyranny of Rockstar’s unused code.

That sort of money makes us think that writing about games for a living wasn’t perhaps the best career choice, after all. Spotted by Gaming Steve.

I’ve got both the PC and ps2 versions of the game and I have a habit of putting the receipts right in the case when I open it.

But SA is a fucking great game, I wouldn’t want to get a refund from the company when I had so much fun with the game…Besides the hot coffe mod FTW I had her doggy, missionary…Hell yeah I rocked that hoes world :wink:

<----- interested in how to do said mod

look it up, shouldn’t be hard to find… but honestly… it’s pretty cheezy and add’s nothing to the game. I installed it, tried it and got rid of it just as quick

you NEED the original version though… the newer ones or your game with the latest patch installed strips it completely out of the game

I have the original.(Bought it the day it came out anyway) Haven’t played it in a long ass time though. I can see it being a waste of time. I’ll take your word for it.

There are better mods, like multiplayer mods and such to play.

^ word

multi-theft auto RULES


this is rediculous