garages for rent?

Does anyone know of any garages I can rent out in pittsburgh anywhere. all my stuff from my move is still in johnstown and I want to get to work on my motor but i have no where to work. Thanks for the help.

were at in pittsburgh

Your around carrick right?? If you look on craigslist and such there are always garages for rent around the pittsburgh area.

find some place to pull the motor out get an engine stand and lay some plastic down on the floor of your living room and build it there. lol i’ve done that before pulled the motor in my driveway then worked on it in my house

the motor I’m building is already out of the car, there’s no room in my apt. to put tools, or even a spot to work on the motor. I’ll try craigslist though.

take a board and make some quick releases and strap it to the motor/stand and it doubles as a kitchen table lol:cool: :bigthumb:

I have a garage you can use to work on the motor, and a motor stand you can use as well.