steal that shit nigga
you’d rather have grease from chinese resturants anyway… better oil, easier to filter. that shit they fry with at mcdonalds has all kinds of additives in it.
It’s the naturally occuring chemicals in the cat meat that condition the oil. j/k
mmmmm pussy!
don’t perpetuate the myth…
(they wok the cats, not deep-fry them)
Back On-Topic
mach schnell, herr nazi-mod.
Im stealing a 6,000 gallon tanker and throwing the gps unit on a moving train.
The driver will be eating his doughnuts and coffee. :kekegay:
i have to drive regardless of cost to get to work but i actually detuned the wrx tonight. my engine management has a fuel economy mode so that the turbo only pushes like 3-4 pounds of boost instead of 14 so that will really help on gas. so now im basically driving on a 2.0 liter engine. car is now slow as hell. but it beats paying for gas every all the time.
A468Bu, BETRAYED93, bgblockelcamino, bics56, traydogg6969 5 8.06%
$2.90/gal 0 0%
grandamld9, HaNnIBaL64, jeffline, munster_ek, punnisher, Sight N Sound, slowcamaro, snowhitejolf95, SVshine03 9 14.52%
2003frontier, fattyvr6, weaves 3 4.84%
GeneralG, jackie, Old Dirty Georg, onyx_rock, PewterSS 5 8.06%
99CobraSC, ANdyUPitt, Be_Rad, BlkP42E, bobby311, Bravada 442, Cutty, JDMCivicSm21, Jordons Pontiac 9 14.52%
AudiDRV, JC 99Z 2 3.23%
I will drive regardless of cost
00BlackSS, 77rednecktruck, Ash, CavlrZ, ChopNDrop, cleanquick306, Darkstar, dgramc, Domination, fmfkid250, fshowcars, huskysgrl, JackdUp, Jeff95TA, jim, jinxxycat, No1baller, PittsburghSvt, rookee, rusty240det, Slim 01 WS-6, SMort38, StealthZ, Storamin, Swarzkopf, TeamWRX, The1SloShelby, VdubSPEEDracer, vw16vcabby 29 46.77%
Voters: 62.
So how many of you stopped driving???
(I know Mike has only rode his bike the past two days!)
I gave up roll racing
Yup the truck is sitting and won’t be moving for now…
heres an On-topic :bsflag: to that post
ride my bike same as usual or don’t take the truck anywhere unless I have too
:eek2: Life sucks
I drive 60 miles a day mon-thu to class. I don’t really have a choice
Rode motorcycle thur/fri to work. I love 46 MPG…but winter will put a stop to that.
I have cut down on the way i drive ($600/m sucks)
ditto, 60 miles round trip just to class mon - thur
add work on top of that in the morning and if i should just happen to decide to go somewhere other than work and class add a couple more…i drive to much.