
How come I’ve never really noticed this old trend before?

They look absurd! I love it!
They drop the front x-member way down, put in a solid axle and run the exhaust out through the fenders. I think this is all for weight transfer purposes, but it just seems so absurd. And HARD TO DRIVE!

Some of them are seriously raked WAY the fuck back.

drag cars were set up like this

yeah, i know they were drag cars. It’s just so bonkers.

OG Donk, bt with: function > form.

i love the eyes on the last one.

All kinds of cool near forgotten setups from the past.

How are you supposed to see over the hood?

Moon Equipped.


Not exactly forgotten… you usully see Willys done like this, not too many shoeboxes.

They’re crazy to ride in.

those evolved into modern day funny cars hence the name funny cars

dam im old

Donk it out.

those look like for show only, they didn’t relocate the front axel far enough forward, and yes it was for weight transfer.

No, the first funny cars were Super Stock. These were the altered wheelbase cars:

Here’s the Comet “funny car”

Gasser frame, pretty simple

hmmm…im diggin out my 57 next year…i should totally do this.

yes you DEF should. I will help.

sweet…a gasser it is then…

ya there was no such thing as suspension back in the day. Only way to get the weight on the back tires was to force it there by raising the front end and bringing the rear tire forward. Pretty good idea back then, although as you said by todays standards it did look absurd.

Pittmans old gasser

Jim Oddy’s old gasser's%20Austin%20was%20one%20of%20the%20prettiest%20gassers%20in%20history.%20Photo%20from%20the%20Drag%20Racing%20Memories%20archives.jpg


I will kick you so hard in the nuts if you even so touch that 57. Hard!

There are a few stockers that still roam the area. There was a 55 like the one in the OP at Olcott Beach in September.