Gauges & Installation

So here’s the story…I got a nice set of Import Intelligence gauge faces from my bro for my birthday (from EDIT:

I’ve done a lot of research & reading on the install and have found a lot of people have messed up their gauge cluster in various ways, usually pulling out the tach needles out incorrectly somehow or not re-calibrating correctly etc… :shock:

So essentially I am a little apprehensive about pulling out my whole cluster (i’ve never done before on a car) to put them on…especially in this wonderful Canadian weather. :?

But I like them, and I would be careful with the cluster/needles, and it seems doable. :slight_smile:

Anyone here changed their gauge faces? :?:

Anyone here have advice (ie. do it, SO easy…or buy a test cluster, it’s hard…or DON’T etc…)?

Thanks guys.

The links broken, it’s


i wonder what the cf and those metal flake faces look like…who wants to buy them so i can have a look?


roast - thanks…

got_boost_S13 - when I eventually get em in (I have silver metal flake) i’ll post pics so DTS’ll see just how PIIMMP tyte they really are lol (assuming my gauge cluster lives that is).

So, anybody wanna help w/ my original post…?

Hey man what’s up.

Contact Charles, Two4Tchaz here on SON’s, because he has replaced his gauge faces in his car. So maybe he can help you out.

Take care man.

Easy 8)