Gauging Interest: Road Rally

:eek3 wow i remember that… i think it was 04-05.

I thought it was like 03 or 04. It was some years back


Now, who is letting me co-pilot!? :number1

Need to actually set some thing up first and see who would go

I’ll have to look for pics on my old computer… i found cossey judgeing APG judgement day back when i didnt know him… lol.

But theres always gunna be dicks drving, no way to stop it. The Snowflake rally we all started a minute apart… and just about 5-6 cars got held up at a light… everyone was racing and acting like retards… Ask Rami/Caz wrx how he was drving in the woods… lol.

This is a great idea tho… ive been wanting to do another

Have to get some one to plan a route with the stops and a date

Oh yea and ask Vlad if it was alright to advertise it as a Shift518 rally

Since we’re doing a poker run, and time is not a factor from check point to check point, we should say: Okay, race starts at 10am for example, and you have to meet at the final check point at say 1pm. That way you’re not waiting on some slow fuck, it’s plenty of time to make a decent circuit around the capital region or something, and come back do BBQ/prizes, etc.

Yea it depends where the stops would be. Also if its at a business you would need their permission to assemble in the parking lot

Sand Creek / CHS have car shows, nothing they are not used to, I bet they would let us.

Gotta space shit out as it would not be fun staying on central ave. Gotta go up the northway etc etc

I figure three hours is a good chunk of time to get away from Albany, but also enough time to come back where “home” for most people is and regroup at the end.

Yea it should be

I like the Poker Run idea but that isn’t really a rally. I was thinking more along the lines of a rally that involved having a driver and copilot. basically the best team will win. Who picks the route and who drives the best. No matter what your going to have dicks driving.

Plus I was thinking of a long distance rally, a few hundred miles, to and from. Everyone gets a map, no GPS. Whoever makes it there and back with the best time wins.

Let’s try the poker run and see how that works out first, we don’t even know if us Shift retards are capable of an organized event like that. :rofl

Better yet, lets have a poll and see how many people want to do what. The most votes wins.

I hope people want to do this, it sounds like a lot of fun.
All I know is, when Travis tried to organize even a cruise outside of the Albany area everyone flaked on it.

Make a new thread as its to late to post a poll