Gayest Emo Kid Ever...


15 mins of fame, unless i only watch 20secs and click on something worthwhile

wow i could only take 20 seconds of that faggot and closed it

What a fucking loser…

12 second of “fame” here, poor river was going to flood with all crying he was about to do.

yeah that kid sucks.

Hahaha he thinks people care that youtube said no to some queer video he uploaded. Talk about dellusions of grandeur.

“If you want to stop homophobia and promote peace, I need your help. I can’t do this on my own. I’m just an average person like you.”


had to stop watching.

yes… he is average.
he is the average reason that society will fail.

(whine on the internet vs. get a job and contribute to society)


stupid fucking whiny gays. go discover life other than being gay and maybe you won’t perceive everything as being anti-gay.


i couldn’t even take 20 seconds of that super flamer

oh shit thats not you? dam i thought it was. sounds like you tho

Why would that make you want to punch your dog in the ass?


those kids have no direction or want in life.
they all deserve to die.

gays are only gays so they can feel strongly opinionated and special/unique, plus it gives them something to talk about


His voice is annoying, and that video was pretty ridiculous, but I lurked his myspace, and he’s pretty fucking hot.

I might get flamed for this…but I’m just gonna say how i feel.

What he is saying is absolutely correct. Nothing he said is BS. Homophobia is very strong in this country. It’s rediculous how inconsiderate people can be. I am 100% supportive to what he’s trying to accomplish. HOWEVER…I doubt he will ever get enough people to make a difference.


Justin that hat looks amazing on you today! :stuck_out_tongue: