Gayest Emo Kid Ever...

Awww thanks Cal. Your not looking too bad yourself :gay3:

“Like, thank you guys. I couldn’t be more thankful.” Said completely with no emotion.

And he seems to like calling it “Youtubedotcom.” We all know YouTube is a dot com, we don’t need to hear it. Does anyone say, “look it up on google dot com?” No.

I’d hate to pop your bubble…but I do.

Because he posted some lewd video and it was deleted this makes the gods of youtube homophobic? This is the same stupid logic that manages to form the “whiny gay” stereotype that permeates the perception of gay people everywhere.

I’m all wahoo for gay rights and all that jazz, but until gay people stop parading around in drag and drinking their lives away they won’t be taken seriously by the rest of the world. The best…absolute fucking best…are how they allow straight people to use them for entertainment. And then they throw themselves a little pitty party when people stereotype them. And post it up on youtube, apparently.

It’s by much of their own accord that gay people are seen as novelty pieces and having nothing more than a thingie on the tops of their stylishly clad bodies. Heaven forbid a gay person have a brain and want to use it because straight people aren’t listening unless the person is talking about if round or square front shoes are in style and gay people look at a gay person with a brain as being arrogant and having contempt.

The victim card is played out. I blame a small, slutty and lifeless group of gay people for misrepresenting the majority, but then again–the majority seems to allow it. It’s like they gave up caring…

That kid’s just a whiny bitch. If he wasn’t gay, he’d find something else that he has no control over to blame for his problems. The concept of personal responsibility scares a lot of people so they run from it.

best response ever

I think she is retarded

my friend was telling me how she went to some gay pride party and how gay boys and stuff were trying to make out with her, along with a few lesbians that were trying the same.

I have this other gay guy at work, nice guy at times but he likes to talk about his “late night visits” because there is some hotline that gays can call to get company for a night…

Why do most gays feel like they can flaunt their sexual openness everywhere? I don’t care that you enjoy the same sex, just try to respect yourself around others and they may respect you back

I don’t think it’s most, I think it’s just that you don’t notice the ones who don’t…

Sooo true, I’ve never in my life heard any straight person openly talk about sex, I’ve certainly never seen anyone post about any sort of sexual exploits on a public forum, yet every time I log in here one of the gays is making a thread about how he got laid last night, thank god the moderators delete that shit ASAP I just don’t know if I could handle a written description of two guys kissing…at least straight people keep their sex lives quiet! Fucking faggots, they should all just be put on an island or something!

And nothing bothers me more than the fact that homos are just being gay to be different!

ya because the few ruin it for the many like goober said

LMAO…i dont understand gay, i think in the end its still just a “look at me im gay” thing

WTF to all the

Re: vids.

what the fuck is wrong with her voice lol

video question,
when someone concludes that they are gay, why do some of their voices change?is this gradual or instant change? my friend that is gay never changed his voice…

Their voices change? Most don’t change. That would assume that it’s different before than it is after. Some people that are gay act effeminate, some act straight and there’s a whole “gray area” in between. My best guess is the organizational effects of hormones when a baby is developing in the womb Although most have normal, functioning male and female genitalia (respectively) so I’m not sure if that’s a good guess. I wouldn’t rule out a social-cognitive aspect. It’s certainly possible.

Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. Being an idiot is.

It isn’t about getting attention, either. Ugh. Although some certainly exploit it.

What I do notice is that sometimes other gay people claim that “coming out” is a sort of cure all for feeling trapped, and then people that are gay end up assimilating into a sort of “gay life” that has its own set of standards and expectations of its own. Lovely. People anywhere are looking to be accepted–the smart ones notice if being accepted conflicts with their concept self value. Unfortunately many young people simply don’t value themselves enough. This is especially true for young people that are gay.

She’s from Ireland.
You can hear the accent pretty well.
Plus, I lurked.

this kid sucks more than i thought before.

must be the pitcher than… i heard if you take it in the ass it raises your voice.


Uh yeah, all those porn stars now talk like Alvin and the Chipmunks because of all the anal sex they have. :bloated: