emo kid goes nuts about britney spears

nsw due to swearing



I usually don’t do this ever…but…


Edit: Sweet christ look at the other videos he posted. Wow the kid has major issues.

he was on the phone with howard stern today and was saying he was hot for howard and also that courtney love and britanny spears were royalty and something to the affect of who cares about the victams of 911 and the britanny was more important… someone should kill him. imo fucking fag he makes michael jackson seem normal .

I would smile if that kid was shot in front of me


that wasnt a chick?

What a fucking pussy.

bwhahahahahahaha… that dude and i use that term loosley should be banned from ever owning a computer again

ahhhhhhhh thats like uncomfortable to watch lol

i seriously can’t tell it’s a guy or girl or if it’s acting or not…


I would smile if that kid was shot in front of me


Gayer than Shaggy standing behind Burnyd with a rubber fist and a gallon of mobil 1.

:rofl: that about sums it up

AWW… am i the only one that likes him? lol i so dig gay men! in the most ridiculous way, he makes sense. guess you gotta be around flamin men to understand them :dunno:

id like to punch him in the throat, and then piss on a britney spears picture in front of him…what an emo fag

Hit the naiiiil, on the head.

MAC and cheeks no doubt where homos :steelers: