Gayest Emo Kid Ever...

People should be ashamed of being an idiot but they find ways to make excuses for themselves, but people should not think being an idiot and being ignorant is the same, everyone is ignorant(lacking in knowledge) about things in this world.

The few gay people I have met seem to be just like me in the sense that they trying to live their lives and make their way in this world, it just sucks that their are straight people who give most gays a bad name just because they are different as well was some gay people that give straight people a bad perception about their way of life


so much I could say… but I think Goober hit it on the head.

Stop being so damn flamboyant… and maybe straight people won’t constantly harass you and stereotype you. being gay doesn’t mean you have to act out to show that you are gay, I don’t act out to show that I love boobies… I don’t dress differently because I love boobies, I don’t talk differently around other gay people because I love boobies…

you get the picture


If I had boobies they would be special.

I would try to touch them.

just because.

You and me both :poke:

Whoa I would be super protective of my boobies.

Just horrible!!!

:word: I have no problem with people being gay. Have at it. I have gay friends, I don’t agree with it, but I can look past it, none of my buisness, and not my place to judge. But the constant “I’m gay so pay attention to me” has to stop"