GB! MSD NGK Nology Magnecor

When can we get these?

Great timing.

NGK PFR6B-11B spark plugs.
Need 6 of them.

Need them as soon as possible. Please give me a price.



Can you price out wires for a DOHC motor?

I’m interested in any of those brands but don’t know my options price wise.

Edit: I meant wires.

Why no prices on wires yet?

so what is the Skinny on these prices and Avail?

looking for those NGK plugs for my 4 cyl celica, prices?

What’s up with this GB? I really want/need this stuff, when is it gonna go down?

BKR7E-11 $3.50

ZFR5EGP stock # 7096 - spark plug (4) $5.22

NGK PFR6B-11B spark plugs.

PFR6B stock # 3500 - spark plug (4) $18.33
PFR6B-11 stock # 4014 - spark plug (4) $23.99

need a part number

When are you guys going to pay us the balance you owe us for more than 6 months?