GB: Redbull

Well apparently asking questions about the price of a product BEFORE people want to commit to a group buy is now considered grounds for locking a thread… you should make sure that you don’t say anything but YES or NO in this thread… because it might get locked. :roll:

So whats the final price do we know yet,

Apparently some guy has hookups… if the GB falls through I’m still going down to the states and picking up some anyway. It’s cheaper down there I know that much, but I don’t know HOW cheaper it is.

I’ll call up some redbull distributer or some crap and find out what can be done.

im in no matter what so long as its the cans and not the gay bottles shit…

how many cans are in a case?

Hey guys,

I know that this started as a joke but after seeing this and knowing what i know about red bull i had to post. This is not intended to deter you guys but red bull simply put is not a safe product. I have friends that drink it like water and i don’t really care but i always fill them in on the effects that this energy drink can do to some people. This is not hearsay but from an actual friend so don’t try and tell me otherwise.

Here is the story a friend of mine flew down to the states a year ago once arriving in miami beach he picked up a rental car to drive to tampa for a insurance confereance. At one moment he was driving then the next thing he realized he woke up in the hospital. The doctors could not find anything wrong with him however after asking him a few questions they found out that he had two red bulls (yes i know two whatever i have friends that drink like five to ten a night as well) anyways here is were it gets freaky. The doctors in teh states provide him with a shiatload of pending cases going on in the states with similar cases of people blanking out.

What Canadian buyers often don’t know is that red bull has been denied access to canada for the last litttle while due to these problems. Through some fluke not sure maybe a recipe change or a loop whole they got it through.

All i am trying to say is this just be aware of what you are drinking. I work in and around these reps all the time and i know of a few stores that have been getting cases of this stuff that are not even in english!!

As for going to the states for this stuff it would be easier to just chase down a redbull van downtown toronto on a mon or tues morning and by it at cost off him just a tip :wink:

Anyways guys i am not trying to promote or deter as like i said i have many friends that drink this stuff just fillin you in



I dont really drink the stuff often, Maybe 5 times a month, more it just being exam time and what not, and I do enjoy mixing it. I just want some and at almost a hundred dollers for a 24 up here, ill get justin to buy me some.

Until recently it was illegal for non-cola “soft drinks” to contain caffeine.
An example of this is Moutain Dew, I don’t know about now but before it was caffeine free here but in the states it used to contain the most of all the soft drinks.
They changed that law and tada Red Bull has arrived.

Until recently it was illegal for non-cola “soft drinks” to contain caffeine.
An example of this is Moutain Dew, I don’t know about now but before it was caffeine free here but in the states it used to contain the most of all the soft drinks.
They changed that law and tada Red Bull has arrived.[/quote]

Gah, i didn’t know they changed that law. Read your sprite labels!

I drink a can or two a day now… I guess I am going to die… meh.

Until recently it was illegal for non-cola “soft drinks” to contain caffeine.
An example of this is Moutain Dew, I don’t know about now but before it was caffeine free here but in the states it used to contain the most of all the soft drinks.
They changed that law and tada Red Bull has arrived.[/quote]

the reason redbull was denied access into canada was because it has Taurine in it which is naturally found in red meats, people who are vegitarians have the most effect from redbull and people who eat lots have the least. the reason redbull makes you go bananas is NOT due to the caffine, its due to the Taurine which speeds up your heart rate. drinking to many can easily lead to heart failure or a stroke. there have been many many cases of this in the states.

yeah this stuff was denied access into canada for years… makes you wonder.

all it takes to legalize something in the US is money, look at Monsanto, they had dangerous pharmaceuticals and dairy goods allowed on the market just by buying out the FDA and by reverse-marketing.

they paid television stations not to release the info about their products that they knew were dangerous.

i have to admit i enjoy a red-bull every now and again, but at like $72 a case at the gas station… sorry i’ll pass. the shit is more expensive than beer.

Well, I’m not gonna be chugging this thing, I want it on days like today, when I pull an all nighter to cram for a midterm or exam. It’s like NOS for people :smiley:

I dunno what the market price for these things is at convenience stores… but Wal-Mart has them for 2.74 a pop.

Last time market price was discussed, the thread was locked. Smarten up kid.

I think it was locked cuz you’re stupid :frowning:

It was locked because you are ugly and suck at life.

^^^ Primo burn!

i’ve seen redbull go for 5x for 9.99+taxes at an Esso…But if you ask me, The can is a load of bulshit, You have to buy the glass bottle of red bull which is about the size of your palm, (it has chinese writing all over it) you drink one glass of that stuff and you will be 10x more wired then the stuff in teh can…

uh… its the same stuff

just non carbonated

uhh, it’s not chinese writing on the bottle, if i’m not mistaken, its thai. i first had red bull a while ago in thailand, they told me it was “vitamin water.” i wouldn’t mind trying a few bottles too if its cheap 8).