I was in the bank yesterday and I read that red bull drastically increases the risk of heart disease. Doing more research…
Looks like its getting cut out of my diet
I was in the bank yesterday and I read that red bull drastically increases the risk of heart disease. Doing more research…
Looks like its getting cut out of my diet
No fucking way
ehh…the problem is people dont realize those gigantic cans are 2 or 3 servings of the energy drink…your only supposed to consume 2 servings in an 8hour period at most…and not all at once.
drinking 2-3 servings all at once puts a great strain on your heart and actually has been heavily documented as causing “tonic clonic seazures”
-I did a HUGE research paper on them last year lol
meh, heart beats faster/harder than it is used to and goes bad. Not rocket science.
Last Updated: 10:55AM BST 16 Aug 2008
Little behind the curve but ya, I cut it out. A lot of studies came out and said it increases heart attacks but also the same type of patterns in your heart after drinking a can as someone with heart disease.
There was also a recent one that came out and said it also increases stroke chances in people who are young, like in their 20’s.
i’m no doctor. i just don’t see how it’s possible for it to make your blood sticky.
is this the same for all energy drinks? or is there something specific in the sugar free redbull?
Obviously common sense tells you this… but… did you read the rest of the article about the other problems that is causes
An Australian study found the sugar free version of the caffeine-loaded beverage causes the blood to become sticky and increases the chance of a life threatening clot.
Thats what I was wondering too. If there was something in the additive they have specifically in redbull or if there is somethign with the sure substitute that causes this.
its disgusting anyways.
LOL no way redbull tastes soooo good…
I never liked how the shit made my heart feel after drinking a can.
But I read somewhere that you’re like 4 times more likely to have a heart attack after drinking it.
Which isn’t too bad when you consider blowing some coke makes you 24 times as likely to have a heart attack within an hour. And that doesn’t seem to stop people.
dieing = getting a set of wings
redbull = gives you wings
“The study does not show effects which would go beyond drinking a normal cup of coffee.”
I’m guilty of sucking down plenty of them too, but do you actually need a study to tell you that sucking down a medicinal dose of caffein, sugar, and chemicals is really bad for you?
Seriously. Energy drinks are one of those things that Ray Charles could see is really really unhealthy, but we ignore our instinct to not consume stuff so totally unnatural because of the short term payoff.
Since when did you become such a hippy?
Redbull doesn’t give me energy.
It makes me anxious and angry.
I start talking fast… faster than i do now
Gotta die from somehing…might as well be from something that guarantee’s you wings:wiggle:
i wish people could die from being Just Karter.
<- has a redbull fridge at home and has drank alot of it. :shrug: