Red Bull v. Heart Attack

oh yea well GL DYING


When I read the OP and wanted to think of something to say in the thread. :zong:

You can…it’s called being fat.

after i did my research paper on it, I will only use the “5-hour energy” energy shot thing thats all natural…works AWESOME…tastes like ass but i just chase it with an arizona iced tea anyhow.

Its like as hardcore as espresso lol

I do love it and it keeps up with its advertisements. Long energy and no crash.

Poison Ivy is all natural, but you don’t see me eating that every morning now do you.

But couldn’t the same be said about having multiple cups of coffee in the morning based upon the level of caffeine?

My 19 year old neighbor died of a heart attack and she drank red bull everyday.

It was probably a combination of that and EXTREME obesity.

Red Bull and Adderol are pretty much responsible for me passing college the last couple years.

I stopped that shit though. I’d be up for two days straight after having so much of that shit in my system.

Who woulda thunk. It’s not like half the ingredients in redbull are sugars that get quickly metabolised into fat or anything. Wait, yes they are.

So, if you have 8 vodka redbulls at a club within a 2 hour period… that’s bad for you?

Get the fuck outta town! Liars

Did it give you guys the shits?

For shits and giggles I had one of these last week or so, and within a half hour my stomach felt weird and sure enough within an hour, shit-tas-tic.

On a side note, it did make me more alert.

Energy drinks I just enjoy the taste of, I never get energetic over.

Na it was pretty good. I was alert. I still was tired but I could focus a bit better and didn’t feel like I was in a fog.

try 17 in 45 minutes… :frowning:

I almost had a heart attack

my sno-x mechanic can/does drink 2-3 BFCs a day (big fucking cans of monster 32oz)

he’s fucked

Ya I used to love Red Bull and three olives cherry. Pounded 9 pint glasses of in an hour. Went home and almost took myself to the hospital because my heart was racing and caffine and such typically doesn’t effect me.

ive been there, i didnt have a heart attack. They do sneek up on you and then your trashed lol



no, but the first time i tried it i got REALLY gassy…so I normally have a small snack of sorts along with it and chase it with a normal beverage…something light like a muffin or a bagel or something