Gearhead Finally has a Lift!

What a day! Finally got everything together except for the power to the lift. We had to rent a 1" hammer drill to put the thunderstuds in the floor, but we go it all set up to go! There will be pics tomorrow, I was just tired of running around all day to get this shit together!


Finally a lift !!

How long are the anchor bolts? Personally I’d be concerned if the regular garage floor would handle the stress, some of them can be pretty thin. Either way congrats on the purchase.

Most lifts require 5" minimum slab depth, and most lift companys are covering their ass as most slabs are 4". Also must be 2 feet away at least, from the edge of the slab ar designed expansion joint in most cases.
Bottom line is that lift companies make it almost impossible for the home owner to install a lift and comply with the terms of installation. Ass covering.

The anchors are about 3.5" long. The minimum thickness required is 4". Do you really think I would have gotten this thing without checking first! C’mon guys! But you are right most floors do not have the required thickness. Otherwise you need a 6’x6’x6" concrete pad to support the posts.

mohawk only ask for 4’ slab ,10,000 psi concrete. with 6,000 .

ask me how i know i did all my research b4 i installed mine last week.

i simply dont know how i lived with out one this long.

and it only took 3 of us to take off truck and 2 to stand it up and install it . LOL

FML and my 10 foot cielings.

u really dont need the loft do ya??:eek3

sawzall + 60 minutes = 12 foot ceilings :slight_smile:

congrats again jay!!!
only took me being in the garage for like 5-10 minutes before i even noticed! hahahah!

wish i was there the day it came in!

Your numbers might be a little off 10,000 psi concrete isnt something anyone here has anywhere…3000 is standard…6000 sometimes, depending on use. But I was thinking two post, not four post. Quick research however, shows 4" with 3000 psi is okay for many of the units available today.

mine is 2 post.

that was per mohawks site also.