Generation Y doesn't like cars?

I guess not this forum :ponder.

Yep, our “generation” blows

haha yup

Fucking hipsters and their faggot bikes.


I didnt watch the video I think i am gen x yo I like civics qnd z

Fucking yuppies. Shift accounts for 13 of that 14% of our generation behind the wheel.

Fuck I drive like 30k miles a year, I’m bucking the trend.

“It’s a matter of mind-set far more than affordability,” says William Draves
WHAT!? hahahah, lets see what this guys on unemployment

I figured kids our age spent all their money on drugs or cars

given the amount of shit i take, i might actually detonate if i took anything else :lol:lol:lol plus i dont have money to spend on drugs anyway.

Or both

Drug free since 1983 motherfuckers. Cars not bars, hugs not drugs.

hit it on the head

Same here. I average 25k. In the 4 months I’ve owned my car, I’ve already done 13k.

Driving off the blue balls?

So, Generation Yawn. Amirite.

What if a good chunk of your miles are spent driving to locations to ride your bike. Or did I just essentially divide by zero and cause a black hole somewhere?


:IdiotsIt is killing me not to be part of the young generation any longer. But there is hope for the future my 2 year old loves it when I fire up the 55 (its loud due to glass pack exhaust) and if she is in the garage she loves to get in and pretend to drive it. so I doubt she will be a tree hugger riding cdta in the future. However I have to say I can understand why people would no longer want to buy new cars. The pricing on them has gotten way too out of control. for the money you would spend 10-12 years ago to get a decent sedan now adays you get a stripped econobox it seems. Personally I only buy used cars as the prices are better and I dont mind getting my hands a little dirty. So it saves me loads of cash which I can then spend on the kids, wife and the 55 just my little financial plan :lol

they forgot to factor in that gas prices are high as hell