Gene's stupid E36

Just acquired this in exchange for my stupid Mustang. Driving a ratty loud Fox body with subframe connectors to an executive job is, well, stupid. 95 325is, stock except for M3 exhaust. Looks like Bert from sesame street with the eyebrow thing. Stupid wheels, stupid fog lights, etc. Plans are to drive to Mechanicville Stewarts for ice cream. Anybody got a rearview mirror assembly?
IMAG0115 by rexford flats racing, on Flickr
IMAG0114 by rexford flats racing, on Flickr

I like it.

where in town u live ?

LOL doesnt look so stupid to me… nice pick up !

Corner of 7th and Elizabeth.

looks pretty clean man, i kinda dig the e39 m5 wheels.

Mechanicville resident here too. Your ride is nice man don’t be so harsh, but I know once you drink the water in this town you become retarded.

Let me know when you are at Stewarts with the title and I’ll gladly take it off your hands :lol

This is the best car introduction post I’ve seen. Possibly ever.

I agree with benny, that the m5 wheels look pretty goood. nice ride. welcome to the EUROside…

they work with the color of the car, they would be annoying on blue or yellow

Nice pickup, sir!

Are you kidding? The car looks great, especially the wheel choice.

Very nice ride dude. I like

nice, that a very clean bimmer


Jk. Nice car, and I think it looks fine the way it is man.


Thanks to all, was hoping for lots more hate.

i think it looks good minus the eye lids
thumbs up dude

car looks good.

Nice bimmer shits clean.
Ill take the ford truck in the background of the first pic LMFAO