Get arrested for putting feet up.

Thats assassin. Not putting your feet up is a common courtesy… and even if someone did and someone had to stand or be uncomfortable with their personal space is just called being a douchbag not a criminal… its not like any real harm was created. Is there a law about not holding the door for someone coming behind you too??? or standing on 2 steps on the escalator instead of both feet on one? its the same shit.

There are thousands of laws people can be unknowingly roped into “breaking” just by walking down the street in public. Enforcing every single thing that happens to fit the page and a half description for simple common sense laws is pathetic. BUT the laws are there to pay a penalty for someone doing something to the point that it causes REAL harm to someone or some property. Like this one… dude puts his feet up, and someone trips over him, falls and gets hurt. NOT becasue it was to busy and some poor guy had to stand instead of sit there… becasue they are allowed to stand instead of sit, so the liability is already accepted by the guy forced to stand becasue of the lazy dick with his feet up… dont like it… get off the train and wait for the next one.