Get out the override stick again...


Am I the only one that thinks that funding education is one of the best ways the government could spend its money? If more young people can afford to go to college we might stand a fighting chance of maintaining our current quality of life for another generation. Especially the sciences, so that we can develop new things that we can sell to the world.

Welfare is full of the uneducated that either never made a living for themselves or that planned on working in a factory that got sent overseas. If more people get educated and can trade their skills for a living rather than demand that the government hand them a living there would be less of a burden on the rest of us producers.

I guess I’m making the assumption that spending government money on education will result in a more educated population.


I agree totally with you, my view might be biased because i’m majoring in tech education, but still, why would u NOT want to spend money on improving the lives and intelligence of the younger generations? The fact that war overweighs education in our country seems to show how wrong we’ve set our priorities…while we spend the trillions on this war, other countries such as india and china are improving education and knocking us out of the social and economic picture when it comes to higher education.

/my 2 cents.