get ready for over $4 a gallon this summer. TRUTH.

hm. time for me to put down my car and utilize the buses in the city of chicago (this summer).

Might be a blessing that i’m not going to have a fun car this summer…
nah :tdown:

I am averagaing about 325 miles to a tank, about$30 to fill up. When it cost $40 then I will complain

So buy a $400 civic and throw liability on it and get 30+ mpg…

I was gonna take my beater saturn off the road for summer…but screw that it gets 30mpg on average and the AC works great…

I think you should sell the Firebird and rock the Saturn.

this is why i bought a corolla.

I’m only getting 25mpg :frowning:


Im soooo fucked,my car gets 8-10mpg :lol:

Carb4L…4.11’s too.

$2 more/gallon / 25miles/ga x 300 miles/week = $24/week.

So about an extra $100/month on gas. Ouch. Guess I’ll have to spend more time home with the woman.:whip::hang:

J/K she’s actually pretty cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

everyone always complains but the fact of the matter is, you need them as much as they need you (the oil companies that is). and even when gas is 6,7 or 8 $/gal were still gonna have to pay, unless we all start riding bikes (the ones with pedal kiddies, like when we were all little shits and didn’t know how cars worked)

My plan, fuck it, pay what it is cuz i can’t change it. My car gets almost 30 mpg tho. and i’m getting katana 600 this yr so that should help too.

FormulaSL1 :lol:

Everytime I read your posts in these threads all I can think of is “wow, walter really likes getting raped in the ass by oil companies.”

“Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history”

Gas prices rising and exxon decides to be generous. Good timing assholes. While this guy is buying 7000 ferraris and has his own private jet, everyone else has to deal with the prices of barrels increasing.

You must have such a callused ass, walter. because you take the poundings so well.

More like “wow, walter understands a free market economy, and I have nothing but ignorance and a self centered sense of entitlement.”

I don’t look at the price anymore. I have to buy it. i have no choice. My car isn’t bad on gas. I average close to 30 mpg when I baby it, which is all the time now.

I more or less work to get to and from work these days. And since $60 per week just turned into $70-$80 per week. It is just plain wonderful. Eventually it will actually be economical for me to move out into those apartments right next to my work.

In the last year or so we have had many applications from people that live in Springville and never applied before because they have a good job up north.
The gas prices are DEFINATELY causing people to look for work closer to home.
Being a smaller company and being in a rural area our pay doesn’t quite match bigger urban companies pay but with gas prices and all car costs rising it is not worth driving up 219 to work, especially in the winter.
Things may go back to the way they were decades ago, people work and shop in their own neighborhood.

Which would hardly be a bad thing. It would seriously cut our demand for gas.

I see Schmuck Schumer is on the political grandstand playing to his base again. Lets call for another investigation into gas prices, despite the fact that we had them in 2000 and 2001 and both showed there was no conspiracy, or the fact that the economic experts are all easily explaining the prices. And the report is due out any day now for the investigation into Katrina price fixing, which I’m sure will show nothing as well. The liberay news eats it up when he calls for it though, and it’s much easier than actually fixing the problem by changing the regulations that have prevented a single refinery from being built since the 70’s.

How many millions do you figure we waste every time we have these politically motivated investigations that end up proving nothing?

eh, maybe gas prices are a little ridiculous, but everyone complains yet needs to drive, so guess you just have to deal.

the difference between $ 3 and $ 4 a gallon really isn’t much. another $ 15 on a fillup? so $ 60 / month or $ 700 / year? sure the increase blows, but this is where people have to be smart, and take funds from elsewhere to cover it.

now if prices all of a sudden jumped from $ 3 to $ 6, that might be an issue. i def. wouldnt sell my car or downgrade to a honduh though, just b/c of the prices.

I wish I lived a little closer to work. I’d love to ride my bike. Maybe I still can.

I remember when 93 was 1.49… sigh

Those times are long gone… :frowning:

$4 per gallon will bring the economy to a screeching halt.
High gas prices affect the cost of everything.