get ready for over $4 a gallon this summer. TRUTH.


Remember, it’s not just the gas that you are paying for your car…

the deisel it costs for the trucks to make deliveries

the fuel it costs for the planes to make deliveries

yadda yadda yadda…

Damn wish I would have kept the turbo probe that thing got amazing milage. Regardless our economy = screwed very shortly.

it might be time to look at a TDI

can a new TDI be bought out of state and registered in NY ?

glad I live around the corner from work :slight_smile:

:word: Might be time for me to figure out how to use those rollerblades that have been sitting in my closet for 2 years after about 3 uses, some hurt pride, and lost interest. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think there really is a true free market. At least not the kind descibed in economic text books.

fuck. i deliver pizzas. i may have to quit my job, if im not making decent money anymore. i love my job. FUCK


Edit: Actually I’m not sure about a NEW one. Sorry.

I know another guy that told me that yesterday.Won’t the Pizzeria just add like $.50 to each delivery and pass that onto you??

lol… yeah, I’m really thinking about buying a bike for the summer and just ride to work… sure it’ll take me alot longer to get to work, but we have a shower here and all that good shit… plus I’d be doing myself a few favors :stuck_out_tongue:

Next year they should be

Oil prices at this point are purely political…There’s no economic reason for them to be this high, it’s fear that’s driving the prices.

The problem with high gas prices isn’t just the cost at the pump for you to fill up your car. It’s the increases of prices across the board at a rapid level, as the consumer costs of doing business are passed on to you.

…And the more money you put in your tank the less you can spend at local businesses like restaurants, etc.

It’s just bad all the way around.

do you mean that next year the new jetta TDI will be available for sale in NY, or a new TDI bought in another state can then be registered in NY?

and i can see the high gas prices having a large ripple effect on the economy as well

NY should be allowing new car diesel sales next year I think, or whenever that new clean diesel law starts

Yeah, so we have to get off our fat asses and walk around our community until the political bullshit gets resolved. There may not be a conspiracy, but the rising gas prices aren’t because all of a sudden after a hundred years we’re almost out of oil. There’s still enough oil to last until well after we’re all dead, it’s just not being made readily available. Economics will force politics to make/keep it available or technology to find something that is available. In the mean time, the economy suffers.

thanks for the info

Let’s see @ 3.99 a gallon it’ll take me $90 to fill the pcar… atleast I can stay out of boost and get almost 30mpg.

That’s a little too much simplification there. Some is political, the problems with Iran and speculation that they may cut off their oil supply. But there is nothing political about the terrorists attack on the Nigerian pipelines. They have the light crude that is best for making gasoline, so that’s especially bad for gas prices.

Also, the MTBE ban is cause a big problem for gasoline. I guess that is somewhat political though because it was a bad political decision to ban it without a better phase out plan.

Actually, you’re wrong.

Eh, it’s no surprise that record profits are coming for the oil companies. They play off these “fears” and jack prices to make more money.

Unfortunately we are at their mercy, and not a whole hell of a lot we can do about it, unless you are in a position to reduce consumption.

And the oil prices really are destroying everything but the oil trade. The rich get richer, while the rest go broke. You put an extra $20 in your tank a week. No longer can you afford to save that money for a purchase of some sort, or you need to skip going out to dinner that week.

Then they go and jack the minimum wage at the same time, which just causes yet another increase in cost of living as retail stores work to keep the same profit levels as before. So here we are, paying much more for EVERYTHING than we did a few years prior, but with no real increase in income.

Rough reality. And it could honestly devastate the whole nation if something doesn’t change.