Get together/short cruise on Sat?

I dont think I could bring myself to put that on my car :lol. It seems like it would blow up shortly afterwards.

Someone needs to bring a camera. Just sayin’… everyone likes rolling shots of their carriages.

Nah it’d run .5 better in the eighth!!!

I may be in for this…

count me out for sure

I’ll be in in my beater :rofl

srsly though. :frowning:

have a certain BBQ and someones house that i will be attending.

I’ve got a few of my buddies from up here coming down to this. Brand new Evo, Brand new Sti, and myself.

YES! I will roll with ya!!

turns out im working til 5 tomorrow. prolly just gonna hit that same certain afformentioned BBQ


I wanted to run your pile vs. my pile on Saturday…

Ill go to the bbq and cruise.

will not be able to make this, sorry turbodickhead


So who’s all going? I’m not gonna drive down an hour and a half to an empty parking lot.

quad riding > unburying my car from the garage and driving it

Im down for tagging along and cruising with somebody else. What time again?

I shall be dirtbiking all tomorrow

Is this going to happen? If so, what time and where? TurboTravis, do you want to meet in whitehall? My hood is not painted yet, but I would love to drive it anyway.:thumbup

I’ll start the list:

10’ Sti - nonmember
10’ Evo X - nonmember