Get together/short cruise on Sat?

So who’s actually going on this? I’m about to just cruise up 9 since it’s nice out and there isn’t dick going on at school right now…

im out i gotta work 4-12

It was nice seeing some old faces today and meeting some new ones, we gotta do it again here in a few weeks

yah it was fun. I didnt feel good at the end thats why I left somewhat quick…got a real bad migraine which I still have at this moment.

Sorry I missed you guys. I didn’t check on here today:banghead and went to applebees. Nobody was there. Guess I now know why. All well, hopefully next time.:thumbup

Yeah dude, like I said, people are always changing their minds around here, so always read the last pages of a thread before you leave, esp for guys like us traveling a distance.

Next time I’ll meet up with you and cruise down.

That would be great. So, you think you will be doing something in a couple of weeks? Anybody ever go to this ice cream place down by albany that has cruise in every wed? Just heard about it today.

Be something? I’m something now, a bum, lol. I’ll have the car out within a few weeks for sure.

As far as events go man, don’t waste your time unless its ‘set in stone’, or if you don’t mind showing up and having no one out, etc. Gotta realize that most people on here are local to the Albany area and can leave the house, check out the scene, and be back home within 1/2 hour.

most of us are at lvd wednesday nights

yeah the only time i was at the ice cream joint last year was when the MONSTER TWUCKS were in town and the dragway was closed

Adams BBQ, then Albs, watching a certain Z rip of the streets haha.