Getting a little more than you asked for at the ATM..

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Ummm, wow… That sucks.
And was stupid on their part at the same time.



holy crap.

lol that roof wasn’t too stable

any more info on this? he mustve died, the damn truck was pancaked. Whoever enginered that bank sucked that roof shoulda took way more force then that.

Hot damn.


is that real?
I mean stupidity is one thing, but even my girl was like “he’s a big dumb dumb”
and shes not the sharpest crayon in the box.


There is no way they survived. The truck cab is totally flat.

holy fuck. That truck COLLAPSED.

what do you mean “is that real?”

i’m not surprised.

Also: this was info from another youtube video of the same thing…

Trailer on pickup exceeds clearance and knocks down awning. Actually only part of the truck got clipped and the driver survived. But he’s getting a big bill in the mail. :wink:

Way more force? That’s 5000+ lbs of truck and 5th wheel camper that is at least 10000lbs, probably more, smashing into it at around 10 mph.

I’ll let newman or fry calculate the exact forces at work here, but you’re talking wrecking ball stuff.

Looks like he lived: [Link died apparently - see a few posts down]

Crazy video though.

Nice find!

What a lucky bastard!

sure is.