Getting Iced?

IN for lot ICING!!

Just saw this thread this morning…

Then while at work I had to carry out some chlorine to a customers car, and what’s in the trunk?
None other than a six pack of Ice.

drink up motherfuckers!

*Goes to buy stocks of Smirnoff :ninja

paybacks a cunt wayno!!! bahahahahahah, hid it in his toolbox and told him i had a splinter and needed a pair of needlenose pliers.

Twas excellent. I got my world rocked by ICE last night. Fucking 3 times. Jay from Gearheads wife hid one in a bag of firewood they brought. So much fun! Bahahahahahaha



good looks

Ahh, anyone need any firewood? … Then I found one under my wiper blade… F my life, lol!


btw i just got my sister, fuckin classic

You can’t ICE girls fool. Educate yourself.

LOL its ok wayne, were related, im sure theres an amendment somewhere about it

would smash.

Summer is back, time to bring this back up :shifty

nice bump tardboat

I think it has a chance for revival.

Plus the hot chick above justifies the bump all by itself. :tongue

What hot chick, all I see are two pics and one is brokeback, the other is Wayne. :rofl