getting out of hand?

The most perfect solution, but will never happen. Because the rich would lose their loop holes for getting out of paying income tax. But it would get tax money from the drug dealers.

I’m glad you think it works this way, and in your whole life of working retail you have never learned the “loop holes” of making money off of sales tax.

Exactly. If they are only reporting the “taxable sales”, the only pay tax on that amount. It really doesn’t matter if it is collected yearly, bi-annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily. They are going to report $100,000 of taxable sales, pay the required 5% (yes 5% not 6%, the state pays the retailer 1% for collecting and paying on time), or $5000.00 sales tax, and the other $1001.00 they collected by charging sales tax on non-taxable items gets pocketed, as pure profit. Of course al numbers are fiction, just pulled from the sky above my head.:smiley: