getting out of hand?

So I just watched a video about how a Monroeville woman sued Kmart by the mall for taxing TOILET PAPER!

She was awarded $100 and court costs…

Im lost for words. I understand fighting for your rights of tax…but honestly a total of what 14 cents maybe 21…

Is the right to sue getting out of hand?

I havent done research yet, but is there no tax on paper products? I thought there was only no tax on non served food.

things considered a necessity to live are not taxed
(i.e, non served food, clothing, and apparently tp)

I woudln’t exactly waste my time suing over something like this though. Maybe if I was poor and they were taxing me to death at Giant Eagle or something, but not on tp. Just buy the cheap sand paper shit.

i just read that. where do the lawsuits end?

this is going to spark a whole new issue!!!

I hate the fact that my income gets taxed then I have to pay more tax when I pay for something…but there has to be incoming profit somewhere.

I can only imagine the shit this one small case is going to cause…

makes sense to me. Kmart was wrong, tp is a non taxable item.

makes sense, but shouldn’t have needed to go to court. A waste of time for the judicial system. Unless she had already exhausted other means, really she should have been able to go to the manager, or the regional rep for Kmart and have it refunded…

$100 is weeksause

it’ll never end though, everyone wants something for nothing. time is meaningless to some people

exactly… and i really wish i was one of those people. how many times has your credit card, cell phone, cable, or whatever else bill been screwed up? yet you just end up not doing anything about it because you simply cant take the 75 hours it takes to get resolved??

in regard to this case, good for her. i’m glad she went and followed through. it could have probably been taken care of by some cashier or store manager that instead figured “o well, screw you, its only a couple cents”.

yup… she brought it to their attention the 1st time it happend, they did nothing about it :nono: … so… good for them

I bet half of you all that thinks this is a waste, also bitch about how much income tax you pay every year dont you?

If the people that are working under the tax laws, hookers, strippers, bar tenders, ect. were paying the fair share, then we might be getting taxed to death by sales tax, cigerette taxes, oil taxes, ect. Everything we we buy, with the money we earn, that has already been taxed three times (federal, state, local income tax), gets taxed again.

I say good job. Sue again and again, until this shit gets fixed. If K-mart is ripping us off on TP, what else are they charging tax on and pocketing?

Do the math, $.59 on a bulk pack of TP, times the number of packs of TP sold nationwide, K-mart made a huge profit off. A tax free profit, much like the hookers, strippers, and drug dealers.

how is it tax free profit? It’s not like Kmart is cooking the books, if they collect the sales tax, it get reported as such and turned over to the gov’t…

How do you report collecting tax, that was never to be collected?

You pocket it, and it becomes tax free income.

this is why i beleive that the income tax should be taken away and an increase in the sales tax with tax on all items… then you are taxing everybody fair, because even hookers and drug dealers have to buy things

Who shops at kmart for toilet paper is the real question :rofl:

not true! those sales get added up…and paid in quarterly payments to the state. its all in the books. and must be reported. Theres really no way around it…if its bought, its taxed, recorded, and paid.

Theres actually a website that shows “dead beat sales tax payers” in Pa. Every county had at least one…Allegh. being second highest to Philly. And Kmart is not on any list.

I just paid the sales taxes for my work…the only way you can let sales tax fly is if the cashier themselves pocketed the cash and not purchased the item via register.

I think in this instance she was justified in that it wasn’t like the “hot coffee from McDonalds” case…
She reportedly told them about it once, went back a week later, and it was still charging tax, and no one did anything about it.
I guess KMart tried to settle pre-trial and she wouldn’t because they wanted her to sign a confidentiality agreement. She wanted it public so people would know to look more closely at their receipts. She wasn’t trying to get millions; I think the amount was like the minimum she could request or something like that.
But, like it was said, if KMart is doing that all over PA and you add up those taxes, it can amount to some good money, regardless of who’s pocket it goes in to.
Giant Eagle was busted taxing the wrong stuff last year, too, by one of the TV channel’s “investigative reporters”. I’m sure it happens more than we’d think, and who looks over their receipt to make sure…?
And I’d question whether it goes to the government or not. All depends on how they report it. If they report just the actual sales of TP, then they don’t have to pay tax on that, so where does it go? They are reportung sales of taxable items. If TP isn’t supposed to be taxed, and they are only telling the state what the net sales were on both taxable and non-taxable items, then they may not be reporting that the customer paid the tax on a non-taxable item, either.


but the store manager…even regional mangers can not make a corporate decision in that amount of time. I am not disagreeing with what happened and or the outcome, but ive worked in retail all my life and large companies investigate before they make an outright decision. Especially when it comes to a matter of tax.

that’s what I was trying to say!

But that wouldn’t have fixed the actual problem of Kmart taxing all of the other customers on TP. She helped everyone, not just herself.