Ghetto Rigged Racing Sim Set-up

i think this is sweet, but as i dont play video games, seems like a waste of money, a simple controller probably would have sufficed


My post was deleted why?

JVG this is not a for sale thread, no need to delete my post, I was giving another option for people who want a sim rig say maybe for their computer with a VESA standard mount.

Not stepping on adams toes at all, very nice rigg none the less but not exactly suitable for computer use with no mount for monitor or keyboard/mouse tray etc…

I will post some pics of my ghetto rig later…lol

I didnt delete your post.

It was a gift for JVG, compatible with his G27/PS3 and crap he had kicking around his house. I didn’t intend it to be a production viable piece to suit everyone’s particular bench-racing, ego boosting setup. Not something I prefer to specialize in…If someone asks to make another one to fit their particular awesome setup I may be inclined to do so, but I’m not gonna do it for free.

To bad Travis’ junk STI shell is gone to a scrap heap.

-Install body panels and fake cage. Install TV, PS3 and make full motion. Makes Dirt 2 really feel real = Total win.

I’m not that ambitious. At that rate I’d rather build the car and go rally it for real.

Also win. Lets rally your WRX, I’ll co pilot.

here is my ghetto setup, got the table off a friend for 5 bucks and the video-chair for free because its basically broken. Works awesome, just need to mount the shifter somehow.


Well yeah thats what i figured which is why I put that link up for the obutto as well its a good option for people who dont have a lot of money, obviously having you make one frmo time to time would be a bit more expsensive because you have to take time out of your day to build it and its not like you have a jig setup and diemensions to make these things in bulk lol

none the less it looks extremely solid as im sure everything is completely welded, well except for the adjustments…

Hey adam ill tell you what, you make these things like that for aroudn 500 with VESA compliant monitor mount, i bet i can get you a lot of buisness :lol

I am so computer ignorant lately I couldn’t tell you what “VESA compliant” means…care to enlighten?

One of the standars for the mount on the back of monitors/TV’s like the patterns

I don’t think I’m computer ignorant and I have no idea what it is. Damn nerds.

btw you have an email.

holy shit, awesome:

Here’s mine…I built it just to be temporary with a bunch of scrap wood but it has held up for over a year now and the seat is fully adjustable still so it fits just about anyone…It doesnt look very pleasing but I love it…|0|8CC6AB285EDBB70|||0|8CC6AB2ABBB5060||

and see which setup gets the pussy?

don’t fuck with toonces the driving cat!

haha…my cat lives in my chair…

nice work JVG, thats real nice, is that shifter location convenient? Also, when you have anice setup like that, and everything is semi-positioned like a real car does it make it any easier to play the games with the wheel?