ghetto sucker punch


and his brain went smack!

he hit him with his elbow lol

Gangsta’s crack me up…put them in a corn field full of a bunch of farmers they would cry like little bitches :slight_smile: course i probably would to :eek3:

dats how original gangsta’s do it ya herd!


Wow… :eek2:

drop 'bows on em! how you gonna take out rick james like that?

Thats the best fucking video I’ve seen on here in a while :bigok:

x2! … :rofl:

bwahahaspdifhpiweh;fajdhl I shat myself.

anyone care to explain how that was his elbow?

That was a fuckin clothesline and a half haha

There is a lesson here.

Talking shit won’t help you win…Throwing punches will.

staying out of the ghetto is better then both of your lessons