Ghost Car ~good video
watch the entire thing

Fence wasn’t attached at bottom? I’ll have to remember this trick.


I think your right, damnit you ruined it for me :finger2: :slight_smile:

I was and still am pretty damn confused

The cop was a wuss and didn’t drive under the fence.

ok so why wasnt teh fence moving or bent or some shit?

I was hoping for another ghost ride the wip video

that wasn’t a good video by the way.

You’ve never played with a chain link fence, eh? They’re really heavy, especially in long sections and when you let them fall back down (like after you’ve been holding the bottom up so your friends can crawl under) they just kinda flop back into position. The individual strands absorb the energy of the hit and it just kinda ripples across a section or two. It doesn’t act at all like a solid panel fence made from wood. These flexible strands also make it really hard to bend the fence, especially if you move a panel with nothing holding it back.

I agree, the cop should have run through the fence and after the guy. He probably would have damaged the light bar on the roof but he wouldn’t have been slowed down too much.