Ghost Hunters Live Halloween Special

Fort Deleware…pretty sweet from the last episode they filmed there…but live is sweet.

Anyone else watching?

HOLY CRAP…that voice saying YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE was freaky

Yeah i heard that and a sound that sounded like a woman’s scream. pretty wild so far.

no crap, i thought it was someone messing around

I didnt hear that…just a ton of random footsteps

that dude with the mohawk needs to be shot… :tup: to Mr Clean for telling him to stfu

yeah, that guy is a douche, he is more worried about pressing his dumb wrestling onto the fans then the ghost hunt. wrestling is past its prime and needs to be taken off the air.

Yeah but I am sure they have some agreement for him to be on the show that he gets so much pub time on the air.

That fat chicks is like obsessed with him tho.

Just turned it on

Did anyone see Grants jacket get tugged on? Cuz i didn’t see it when it happened but after i rewinded it and looked it clearly gets tugged by something behind him. crazy shit.

The voice sounded fake.

Did they catch anything other than that?

Won’t know until the reveal on wednesday.

i missed most of it unfortunately cant wait till the reval.