GhostRiding, Gone Wrong...?

cant see shit

Get out da way let casper drive

Wheres the after pics?

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u sux at teh interweb!

funny… two people can see it, two people can’t.

damn border hoppers

I can see the pic, and it’s crazy… those ppl are just lookin to get hurt.
I def wanna see the after pic with ppl smushed under the rolled over burning van, because I can see that’s what this pic is trending towards.

thats hillarious
this may be a repost but it makes me laugh

poor people doing what they need to do…

WTF is so funny about 3rd world children getting hurt in an automobile accident?

you sound intellegent

The gas, break, dip is strong with the aerostar.

I always find Darwin cleaning the gene pool funny.

If 1/2 of them are kids, then the adults should have been smart enough not to let them on. We’re not talking about a marginally overload vehicle here, that is just plan negligent.

So its funny when children are born into economic and social situations out of their control? And as a result of their societal standards they get injured. I don’t see how that is funny.

i don’t give a fuck where you were born or what you were born into. if you can’t see the risk there…

who’s that drivin?

i dont see how its a result of their societal standards. seems more like lack of common sense

but yea. the ghostbusters, they the police

Ghost riding, gone wrong?

Pfft, never.

I have never know any kids for their risk assessment abilities. I am sure most of them think it is “fun” most of the time.

Ummm… If everyone in the society is doing it, it is the norm, the standard.

Just like when someone in Korea eats dog and we are WTF???
When tribal societies still have witch doctors we are WTF???
When people are getting from point A to point B any way they can we are WTF???

Believe it or not different societies have different means of transportation, usually due to their economic situation. We drive around in cars, with seat belts. Some people ride donkeys, some people live in areas with well develpoed mass transportation, and some people ride around in cargo trucks.

The only conclusion I can draw from this picture is that Isuzu makes really shitty cars. Actually, I knew that already.