GI/FS: built 96 gsx 6 bolt 450-500 hp


well thats about the last thing i expected to see for sale this year :frowning:

i would imagine that EVERYONE would know how well crafted this machine is and would think that if you actually go through with this, you shouldn’t have a problem selling it

keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep it


i have another 2g AWD in the works right now, but im still unsure which way im going to go with it (built/stock). i am also considering to going to somethin 4 door and awd-turbo (s):snky:.

im going to be going to NYIRP soon though to get some runs and see if i can hit my goal of 10’s… im going the 22nd, and will have some numbers to show for this car hopefully.

im not completely sure on a price yet, def over 10k, but i have not decided on an exact one… some between 10-15k. it may sound like a lot, but there is a lot of money into this car and all the next owner will need to do is drive it.