giant squid photographed!,2933,170632,00.html

fox news huh? must be a republican squid

touched by his noodly appendage

“It was quite an experience to feel the still-functioning tentacle on my hand,”


“When a nearly 20-foot long tentacle was hauled aboard his research ship, Tsunemi Kubodera knew he had something big. Then it began sucking on his hands. But what came next excited him most”

tee hee

this picture rocks :jester:

haha, insert dick:


26-foot-long squid :eek:


“damn you scuba steve” /adam sandler

“O’Shea said he hopes to capture juvenile giant squid and grow them in captivity. He captured 17 of them five years ago but they died”

they died because they are used to having 100 bar of pressure on their bodies… they killed 17, and think maybe they can get one that wont die?

insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

thats why i keep dating…


you’re looking for a long member?


its about time they got one on film…stupid squid…tell you what boy them squid dont know whats good for them boy damn squid…

site down or something? no worky

EDITHad to refresh like 5 times.

BTW - This is from 2004…

mmmmmmm giant calamari uhhhhhhh!!

And I was expecting to see a 400 pound guy on a crotch rocket!:gotme:

(For all you cagers, a squid is motorcycle jargon for the 2 wheeled equivalent of a ricer. Picture a kid on a crotch rocket wearing a t-shirt/shorts/sandals or alternatively the flashiest race-replica gear money can buy, weaving through traffic, then grabbing his brakes and running a line through a corner that looks like a wet noodle and just generally riding like the idiot he is…)

a squid is another term for a noob/poser everywhere, not just for guys on bikes.

A Ghost Squid is a character that used to play Half Life as the scientist with the head crab on his face… originally just called Squid… for his appearance, and tactics (see : crowbar) the Ghost came along later in his gaming career when he started killing mad heads and perfecting the HEAD SHOT!!!

does he run faster with a knife?