Gift for Cossey

I know how much you love Nissans. Well, before your change to Suby. :slight_smile:

holy fuck

Holy shit!
There was one of the very first GT-R’s ever built. Even before the GT-R, there was the Prince, which he has.
S12 race car too.
Several Nissan JGTC cars, including the old Calsonic R32. R31 Skyline. R390 race cars, and the only street legal R390 in existence.
What I find interesting is that the R390 street car, the only one made, has a US unit gauge cluster, as in MPH.

The Nissan M104 looks a little toooo close to a Toyota MR2.

Wow, those car’s are ridiculous.

wtf @ holy expletive

can’t swear in general forums?


OMG, I think I just crapped myself.

What is this place? Is it a place that stores the cars for Nissan, is it a private collector, or something else?

Good question. One of the 3SI guys was there. I’ll ask him. Eye candy tho. :slight_smile:


One was pretty much a storage facility IIRC. Another was the Autech headquarters.

Autech made the 4-door R34 GTR, which I would prolly give some internal organs and a left nut for.