Gimme the bread and nobody gets hurt!

I have been looking everywhere for zucchini bread. I have no idea why, but I want it and my family only makes it for funerals. Any idea where I can find this elusive delicacy?

my sisters make kick ass zuccini bread. next time they make some ill save some for ya.

Kill a family member :gotme:

talk to 92 coupe ex or whatever his nyspeed name is.

i think he was raving about his mom’s zuchinni bread a while back to me on aim…

Start threatening people… “Make me zucchini bread bitch, or we’ll be making it for you”

thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I am banned at a bakery near me. I went in there and started tweaking about there not being any. They told me to get the hell out and try Tops.

And killing family members won’t help. My grandma died recently and I grabbed the zucchini bread and put it on the side, but then I forgot it. My forgetfulness > me

Here’s a thought… make it yourself. I can get you my moms recipie if you want, its good :smiley:

my mom makes killer zucchini bread, but i guess that dosent help you out…

I can only make ziti. I can’t believe there aren’t more places that sell it.