anyone got any good suggestions, i wanna make something different???
hot sausage. so fuckin good. best way to make it…
get hot sausage (uncle charlies) boil it for like half hour i think… cant remember how long to boil it. then pour in uncle charlies hot sausage sause you can get at any grocery store around here. throw it on some hogie buns and you are set. bet food out there. mmmmmmmmm might have to do that for tonight.
buy some of those cressants for pillsbury or whatever in those long skinny cans. put some taco meat in them and roll it up and bake. also can wrap hotdogs with them or any other variation of meaty shit.
make chili
grill burgers and dogs
dump chili on both
dont forget the cheese
bring me some
mmm chili
:steelers: :steelers:
i love chili but the wife likes it mild, i need some spice.
i’m feelin the mini dogs or taco meat… can you put cheese in too or does it all melt out?
anyone got any pizza dip recipes???
buffalo chicken dip
i think its like
2 pkgs cream cheese
1 cup chedder cheese
1 whole rotisserie chicken
and as much hot sauce as you like
bake at 350 for like 10-15 min.
or theres another one called a spinach and artichoke dip…dont know if you want the recipe to that though?
i ordered some wings from billys roadhouse…and of course im baking a cake
a latte’
go seahawks
yeah put some cheese in it too if ya want, it won’t hurt anything if it ooozes out
Billys has the best wings EVER!
what u pointing at?
this is what i hear…i cant wait to find out!
u, BIG BOY :boink
cook them in beer=better!
although I don’t eat meat, I hear it’s good! lol