Not something to be proud of :umm
I bet she stiches ur name in your underwear too
Not something to be proud of :umm
I bet she stiches ur name in your underwear too
not somthing to be proud of? she loves it! in all actually im making her feel usefull still. so u lose, i win!
Nice man. Thats how shit gets done. thumbs up My g/f AND her mom do my laundry… :banana
thats a great setup
Nah its cool if they do
but there not supposed to feel usefull, thats just their place :rofl
I know man, right? When I did my own laundry darks & whites go together. Had no concept of bleach lawl.
gf doin laundry > mom doing laundry. No question about it.
See I’d love to have my girl to my laundry
but… Every time she touches any of my clothes it magicaly dissapears
fuck I just found a shirt i thought I lost a year ago, she did the laundy… it dissapeard, she did it again a year later and it reappears wtf
haha, i hear that. at one point i remember i was trying to do laundry. i was like 10 or something. i basically threw everything into the machine, poured in half the damn jug of detergent and splashed some bleach in there and some other shit i found. i basically made a foam bomb. i sorta know how to do it right now, but i am not surprised if some socks come out pinkish or purplish when they went in white.
In all honesty, I don’t own any white socks. All my socks are black because I didn’t know how to separate & bleach shit so my socks were always gross. I said forget this, bought all black socks. No worries now, lol
most of mine are white. well, at least when they come out the wash they are. i like walking barefoot around the house, but its a bit chilly now, so i just walk in socks and the soles get dark. i dont think ive got more than one pair of black socks.
maybe she gets it mixed up with her other bfs clothes?
I fucking wish dude, that would make my life soooo much easier
post pics… I’m sure it can be arranged :lol
Pics or ban, come on, you’re not new here anymore you know the rules.
$50 to me because you lack any power.
Mine makes in the MID $100K and does the laundry. Me > You
But seriously, in this day and age, both need to work. The days of the woman doing all the household shit is ancient. Share responsibilities.
Also, the same with your mommy doing your laundry.
Tracey and I take turns doing it. mostly its been her though cause i can’t be carryin shit up and down stairs for a bit.
wifey beats you, doesn’t she?