Yea. I can’t keep up with that without changing to a full time Architect and having no life at all.
I also have no problem with that. She works harder, has more education, and deserves it.
Yea. I can’t keep up with that without changing to a full time Architect and having no life at all.
I also have no problem with that. She works harder, has more education, and deserves it.
Get that new-age, NYC feminist crap out of my Leave It To Beaver 1950s lifestyle.
Laugh! Well, we can always flip it. I’ll be the stay-at-home dad?
i meant beats you physically since you seem so modern and PC.
I agree with what you said, but it’s no fun to talk about shared responsibilities.
Feminist movement is what destroyed society. Thanks to women thinking they should work, it created the dual-family income. With the dual-family income it allowed families to purchase more. In response to that, prices of everything went up from homes, cars, to everyday products like toilet paper and food.
And since the dual-family income is in full effect, the majority of the individuals can’t live without their spouse. Since women are cheating slores now, divorce has increased, families break apart, and everyone loses their homes. Women no longer have to rely on their spouse, so now they fuck around and don’t worry about where they live cause theyll just take their husband for all they own and fuck around until they land someone who makes big bucks.
As you can see, the feminist movement is the downfall to society. Ontop of that, the majority of these women who are feminists and insist on working are fat, ugly, retarded, support Sarah Palin and work at gas stations and McDonalds.
She is Italian from the Bronx. She isn’t scared of much. But, I’d beat the shit out of her if provoked.
whats wrong with having your name on your clothes? i had my name sewn into my clothes for years… i wish my mom would do my laundry still… hes got a 1 up on us… dont be jealous. he owns his own house, has 2 nice cars and a good job, and still gets the benefits like he lived at home, cant beat it.
I know, right? Shocking. Really puts things into perspective for people to realize what is ACTUALLY occuring in the family.
The sad part is, what I said is actually part of the truth. Go Youtube Aaron Russo. The Rockefeller family did a “great” thing by donating money to help support the feminist movement and women’s rights. The truth is, the reason they even did that was to create the dual-family income which would allow more of the countrys population to be taxed!
so wait, im better off being single or what? im lost
I havent lived at home for years. 7 years to be exact
My mom comes to my house picks up my laundry and ironing does it and brings it back. She even apologizes when it is late.
In return I gave her a cell phone on my account and taught her how to use a computer and generally end up being her personal bank when she needs it.
Moms are awesome.
moms own all!
some dumb bitch rear ended me and my friend in his rx8 :idiots
nah son, he drives a S2000!!#*@&^
but he had an RX-8. Maybe thats why he upgraded to an S2000!
SNAP! You’re right!