this is beyond hilarious
haha the facebook page has some good stuff
chick tries to down a tablespoon of cinnamon and freaks out
That is good! What a cunt though!
The Situation took that pretty well. I would have been a dick about it.
Wow… must suck only having one TV.
the production quality of this prank is unreal.
so it’s HER fault!
I think they do pranks as a ‘thing’
like they fuck with each other then post them online for the fame or something
I have the same remote and love it :tup:
Kodak cameras! hahaha.
Not surprised that bro has Japanese symbol tattoos.
This one is pretty good.
what the fcking fck, this stupid fck can go fck its self, that fcking fck
Amelia Davis has no soul
those are awesome
Jersey Shores…
Ikea coffee table.