Global Warming debate

I was actually surprised to see and hear many sides to this issue.

Whats your opinion on the matter and why?

some people believe science and facts

other make shit up and believe pseudoscience.

I added a poll :number1

fuck Al Gore


just cause one looney toon politician latches onto something doesn’t mean that the topic doesn’t warrant attention. I would put the release of massive amount of nasty industrial byproducts by China and 3rd world countries ahead of this as a environmental concern. Yes I know most people consider green house gases to be a factor in global warming.

ummm one phrase… YOLO

Parts of me wants to think its a natural cycle , but I do also belive that all the shit we we as humans pumped into the air isn’t helping one bit .


I drive a prius, your chidlrens children can thank me later

Global warming is a scam created by Al Gore to sell “carbon credits”, the only thing dumber than the idea of carbon credits are the people who buy them

well I guess I will have to sell these things on CL now. Anyone want to trade a 91 Honda 400Ex for 2300 carbon credits?

I’ll be right back. Im going outside to paint the ozone pretty colors with spray cans

Sell all Carbon Credits, start funding NASA properly. Find a new planet and ruin that one too, repeat. Humans can become an intergalactic virus, not just stuck here on earth.

Its like the joe rogan standup where he refers to humans as cancer. He says something along the lines of you look at the earth from high up and it’s pretty gorgeous looking then you see civilizations. They are like ever growing tumors on the earth.

the businesses who buy them are smart, why invest a lot of money into meeting pollution regulations when you can spend less money on some credits instead.

Truth. Does seem that we could be that way. We will not fix the earth or the way we do things until we are have to for survival. At least that is what history teaches us. Great innovation is only funded in times of crisis.

Similar to what George Carlin said, id find the video if I wasn’t in class… but. Says something along the times of “you think you are hurting the planet? The planet will be fine. The planet is always fine. We’re fucking ourselves. Those plastic bags people bitch about, the world will still be here, after we’re gone and the plastic is still here. It will just become: world with plastic”

Sent as a fabrication of your imagination


This is the George Carlin video, had my quotes off a bit LOL

This guy is smart.

Agree;;;; but mostly not a big deal

Theres not doubt that its is curious that 35 years in a row we have been warm than the “scientific educated guess” average…but how long is a cycle? The question is, what now… really… dont tell me to conserve or certainly recycle… thats not 1 zillionth percent of nothin

Most Scientists have backed way off… not politicans tho

‘I made a mistake’: Gaia theory scientist James Lovelock admits he was ‘alarmist’ about the impact of climate change

British scientist admits he had 'extrapolated too far' in earlier book
Claims other environmental commentators such as Al Gore did the same

By Lydia Warren

PUBLISHED: 16:12 EST, 23 April 2012 | UPDATED: 01:51 EST, 24 April 2012

Comments (289)

‘I made a mistake’: Scientist James Lovelock has said his previous claims about climate change were too ‘alarmist’

‘I made a mistake’: British scientist James Lovelock has admitted his previous claims about the deadly impact of climate change were too ‘alarmist’

Environmental scientist James Lovelock, renowned for his terrifying predictions of climate change’s deadly impact on the planet, has gone back on his previous claims, admitting they were ‘alarmist’.

The 92-year-old Briton, who also developed the Gaia theory of the Earth as a single organism, has said climate change is still happening - just not as quickly as he once warned.

He added that other environmental commentators, such as former vice president Al Gore, are also guilty of exaggerating their arguments.

The admission comes as a devastating blow to proponents of climate change who regard Lovelock as a powerful figurehead.

Five years ago, he had claimed: ‘Before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.’

But in an interview with, he admitted: ‘I made a mistake.’

He said: ‘The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing,’ he told 'We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear cut, but it hasn’t happened.

'The climate is doing its usual tricks. There’s nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world.

‘[The temperature] has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising - carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that.’

After two books - Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth Is Fighting Back and How We Can Still Save Humanity, and The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning: Enjoy It While You Can - he is writing a third.

By the way, is most often called “Climate Change” now… for a reason