Global Warming My ass


rgr. any idiot would see that it is not waves at all, its clearly a sheet of ice being pushed…

Damn, that’s pretty wild.


Man you guys are sharp. Ever see SHEETS OF ICE THAT LOOKED LIKE SNOW?

one monkey speaks and all the others follow

you are a moron, read past that dumb ass comment and read the ones that actually stated what it was. How about I just cut out the middle man:

Another possibility is that this could be the wind blowing a large sheet of ice into the shore. That happened at a lake near here a few years back in the spring. The ice sheet piled up on the downwind bank just like in this video. Several lakeshore homes were heavily damaged by the ice ramming into them.

Also if you do energy trasnfer calcs, you can not freeze something that has the mass of water as it moves at the average rate of speed of a wave.

And to use your own argument against you, have you ever seen frozen lakes/wakes/water of significant mass look like snow?


oh and here is a video that correctly identifies it as an ice push

Even if it were ice waves, I don’t understand how that would make one say “global warming my ass”.

Ice smashing it the bank is all I see. Has nothing to do with global warming.

Use your brain. It wouldnt get cold enough for that volume of water to freeze instantly. It would have to be like -100*.

It is a sheet of ice being pushed onto the shore. Not to mention the fact that, ignoring the fact that that body of water is frozen, there are no waves. Theres no motion on the surface of the water (possibly because it is a sheet of ice), ergo there are no waves.

who are you arguing with?


hes a jerk

and a racist

I banged his mom

don’t forget about pedophile

“the power that is white is the power that is right”
- Jesus Christ, 0007bc

Please, that derogatory can turn water to wine, ice bes childs play.

And he can apparantly derail a thread in no time flat

This one I will remember. You and I will meet real soon. COUNT ON IT.