he went 11.01 with one, and decided he wanted to run mid 13’s instead
Thats right bitch face palm cause you fail
It’s going in, then shes up for sale
I would like to see that.Your car VS my car on 15psi.Should be interesting?
I donno. Joey can attest. Me and him raced last season when i was at 350ish wheel. It was close up to 100 then i pulled. This year will be a different story with his new setup. Its going to surprise a lot of people.
Thats why I said it should be interesting.After it gets tuned for race gas I’m running 20 and seein what she’s got.
Why does everyone want fast cars. Im going to hop on that new VW style. I heard they build cars to go slow. That or im gonna k24a2 swap my ep3 either one.
My car is going to be slow as balls this summer. Deff hitting up LRP and WGI for some fun come summertime.
Yeah man, I’m down. Should be a good time!
lol Yeah that was good shit! Turbo > NA/Spray up top!
Yea man I wanna run somone for the fun of fuckin around,not to be like oh this is better than that or somthin is faster than somthin else.I just wanna have fun with my car since I built it.
you should hop in front of a bus.
Yea a CDTA bus,cause thats what I work on.
i was thinking Greyhound.
except with ls gearing…
you’ll get more if you part it out… I did with my ek :rofl kid from jersey paid like $5K for the shell
Yeah, either way, I mean, Hopefully i will hold on to the car for a long time. This is the longest i have owned a car so far… I have to go up to Synapse tommarow morning, maybe my radiator is here. Should be decent this weekend, Hope to get working on the brake lines.
Funny - I was thinking the same exact thing