Globe1280's 4CYL FTL Horizon Grey Civic Build.

stallmers got a strong motor… and 11.2 @ 131 is crazy for what is in that car, stallmer and i went and checked it out in the a/j-rod pits, like an 84$ setup and it does what it does. awesome. your dad had some funny words about the car too.

yah, that thing fly’s for the amount he’s got in it.

Yessir. I told Sr. congrats, both arod and jrods hatch’s are doing very well. :thumbup

Swing the civic up to LVD wends to see what it runs. I know it gets no traction through 2nd into 3rd on the street.

uhhh. he did. 13.6 @ 107 i think it was

You are correct sir