Globe1280's 4CYL FTL Horizon Grey Civic Build.

srs drag racer…w/ no k20 :umm :ssh

Yeah cause t1 himself, B series and all, first in to the 8s…

But yeahhhhhh K series all the way DUDE


B series = 10+ years of trying/building/developing
K series = after ~6 years of testing/developing, knocking on 8’s with a 9.23 @ 147mph(fastest K swap)


Not going to argue. Both Great Motors

:lol :hug


Hey guys let’s measure how good motors are by how fast people have taken them in the 1/4 :bunny

Ok mr.roadracer

Ok go run the 24hrs or lemans with your k24 da or something . :ponder

You drag racers sure are defensive

Na you are so quick to make call outs… :runaway

me no see any k24 DA’s?


I’ve never made a call out… :ninja

oh. thought lance bought that swap off matt. :nuts

And I don’t own a DA


he owns a Foci

Me, you, fight… tomorrow. I just realized my aunt got married to some one with the last name Stallmer… we are practically related


Sick!!! Were cousins. Lets Party!